However I feel like in the grand scheme of things, who I am isn’t quite as important as what I’m trying to do here, which is to better myself as a person and to try and move forward. I don’t really have clear cut intentions and am trying to go forward without expectation but rather with excitement for the shift in consciousness that will, hopefully, eventually come, however that is not the end goal or the reason I have taken up interest in this realm, but rather would be a fortunate byproduct.
So many people define spiritual enlightenment as being completely free of the egoic mind, but I feel like that sets the bar entirely too high and is a huge deterrent for people who may be seeking one form of awakening or another. Expectation is the precursor for disappointment.
Instead, I simply aim to open my third eye as wide as is possible and to learn as much as I can, and seeing that information is limitless, especially in the age of information that we live in, that goal is broad and open to be interpreted differently as my needs change and grow. I am looking to better myself in each possible way and to continue to improve, continue to be the most authentic version of myself as I can, until my last breath leaves my body.
With this blog I also hope to promote the importance of having a balance between the exploration of the spiritual world and your existence in the physical one, as well as to negate the fact that just because one finds themselves practicing meditation or yoga, or doing research on philosophy, etc, does not inherently lend itself to cause an awakening, and to urge any followers, and also myself, to not become disappointed in themselves should they not produce immediate results. In this blog I will be open and honest about my pitfalls and struggles that find their way onto my path, not to hide from anyone the fact that there are struggles in any lifestyle, but that does not have to define it.
The blooming of a mind is unique as the blooming of each individual flower and cannot be forced or faked. There is no fast track, but the fact that you’re on the path to discovery and playing with curiosity and openness is a wonderful place to begin. I am at the beginning of the path as well and with this blog I invite you to follow me on my journey. To take pride with me in my accomplishments and to feel the reality of my failures, and to learn and grow from both.
So instead of introducing myself in the traditional sense, here is where I will say hello and welcome, and that I’m so glad you’re choosing to join me. I hope this blog can be used as a tool both for me personally, as a creative outlet for myself, and as a way for my followers, should I happen to gain any, to use a fellow human being's story to their advantage to help flower our consciousnesses and expand into new expression. To explore the various and endless factors involved in the flowering of consciousness and to play with them to experience the effects they may have on the unfolding and realization of the mind.
This blog will have no rhyme or reason. There will be no pattern to my posts so if you’re expecting one, rid yourself of that notion now or find yourself, unfortunately, disappointed. Rather, I will post whenever I am feeling inspired to do so, so that each post is coming from a genuine place of passion rather than obligation. That being said days may come with several posts each, and days may come with none. Some posts will be eloquently written and sound beautiful and poetic, and others might sound more wobbly and have a more conversational feel. I will often post links to videos or questions that I would love others to chime in on and to share their own thoughts and experiences, so please always feel free to leave comments, as they will always be valued and appreciated.
I have an FAQ where you can read more about myself personally, as well as about this blog if you are interested. I have also created a resources page that has several different categories of links to things that I have found to be incredibly useful, from guided meditations and yoga classes, to advice about living as an adult or words to use on a resume. Both of which will get updated as I see fit, but I also have my comments open to any and all questions and will do my best to answer them to the best of my ability. Please don’t be shy!
Finally, I have also recently created a YouTube channel which will also have no rhyme or reason, but may prove in the least to be somewhat entertaining. You can click here to be taken to the front page of my channel if you so choose.
I have an FAQ where you can read more about myself personally, as well as about this blog if you are interested. I have also created a resources page that has several different categories of links to things that I have found to be incredibly useful, from guided meditations and yoga classes, to advice about living as an adult or words to use on a resume. Both of which will get updated as I see fit, but I also have my comments open to any and all questions and will do my best to answer them to the best of my ability. Please don’t be shy!
Finally, I have also recently created a YouTube channel which will also have no rhyme or reason, but may prove in the least to be somewhat entertaining. You can click here to be taken to the front page of my channel if you so choose.
However I must put a disclaimer here that everything on this blog is merely my thoughts or opinions. I'm not writing anything coming from a place of believing it to be fact nor am I intending to tell people how I think they should live their lives or that they should follow my thought process. I'm merely posting about musings I have on various topics as I move through life, that I think others may find potentially helpful, thought provoking or interesting. Not all my posts are going to be super well written or sound like essays, though some will, some will be "stream of consciousness" style, some will be poems, or maybe I will even experiment with posting videos or photos. But I am not claiming to know anything. In fact, the only thing I know is that I know nothing.
And with that being said, it’s time to get started.
Godspeed, friends.
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