

Friday, March 25, 2016

Art Update!

Hello all and thank you so much for deciding to check on my blog today. I wanted to share with you guys a few things I have created recently, and as always, your thoughts and opinions about them are welcome.
This is an acrylic painting on canvas panel with masking tape that I call Starchild and it's actually based off of one of my best friends, Mychel. Our friendship has been so beneficial to me and has lead to so many cool, fun and important experiences as well as really fun times and good memories. She always encourages me to try new things and supports my artwork, my hooping, my schooling, and pretty much anything I want to do without judgement. But it's also about realizing that there are things bigger than yourself and the desire to learn and grow. I painted a version of her reflecting on the things she has brought to the lives of others and reflecting on her purpose here on this earth.

Click HERE to be taken to my Etsy shop where you can purchase prints of this painting!
This is another acrylic on canvas. I haven't titled it, so it's going to be Untitled 1, but the inspiration behind it is having to choose between things you're passionate about and want to do, and between the things society is telling you to do, the things you feel compelled or expected to do. It's about trying to figure out 'Do I want to do this because it will fulfill me and help me toward achieving my potential and realizing my purpose here? Or is this something I'm pursuing because I felt obligated to choose a life path at a young age and picked the most appealing option, not realizing there were more?' It's about wondering if the reason you're doubting where you're going is because you see a long road ahead and choosing something else might be easier, or if the reason is because you're realizing you might not want to have the traditional life path and traditional career. I think many people my age struggle with balancing their passions with the expectations of society and those around them like parents or friends, and struggle with balancing the desire to fit in and have human relations and to not put too much emphasis on pleasing others and fitting in, etc.

Click HERE to be taken to my Etsy shop where you can purchase prints of this painting!

I have a huge fascination with The Joker and wanted to try my hand at drawing portraits, and thus this was born. It's one of the first things I put in the sketchbook I bought myself so I could continue to practice my artwork. I've always had an aversion to drawing people because I felt like I wasn't good enough and that they would turn out poorly, but I've realized it's those negative thoughts that put limits on my abilities. I am working hard each and every day to challenge those thoughts and pressures in my head that tell me that I'm not good enough, because the things you believe you will become. The drawing could be better, of course, because anything you do always has room for improvement, but I'm really proud of the way this turned out and was really excited to share this with you all!

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