What the heck are crystals?
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Example of a crystal lattice shape. |
What is crystal healing?
Crystal healing is a technique used in alternative medicine in which crystals are used as aids to cure ailments, protect against disease or against negative energies, as well as to increase positive energy and to transmit certain energies into our daily lives. Crystal healing can involve anything from the wearing of certain crystals and gemstones as jewelry or carrying them on your person daily, to laying on them allowing the energy to radiate into your body, to arranging them into grids or patterns. The claims of crystal healing are that it can alleviate stress, boost creativity, cure disease, raise consciousness or help someone on their path to enlightenment, help to enhance psychic or extra powers within oneself, ground and connect you with Mother Earth, reconnect and balance your inner being and aura, and a host of other benefits. There are even "offices" popping up where one can go and pay to receive a crystal healing session, typically a 60 minute session in which the receiver typically lies on a sort of table or mat on the ground while essential oils are placed in specific locations of the body and crystals are laid out into grids. These healing sessions may also include Chakra balancing, aromatherapy, and Reiki.
How are you supposed to use the crystals?
Amethyst |
How is crystal healing supposed to work?
Clear Quartz |
How I personally think crystal healing works

Now, the following few sentences are grounded in absolutely no fact, but rather my own opinion. I figured you would probably gather that by the subheading, but I wanted to make sure I reiterated it and made it perfectly clear that it is just my opinion, as I don't desire to offend anyone, crystal enthusiast or not. When I first learnt of crystal healing, I probably had the same reaction that many of you will have upon reading this; how in the hell could a rock help anyone to heal? I thought it was absolutely ridiculous. However, after learning more about the science behind crystals and crystal formation, as well as the metaphysical properties and beliefs regarding them, and the more I've learned and researched about things such as meditation and people going on their own personal journeys toward a more enlightened state of mind, I have come to feel a bit differently. I believe that everything and anything has the potential to be a healer or have healing qualities--as far as the spirit or soul goes. I think the experience that surrounds your spirit and your subconscious can be easily shaped and molded and, while the world around you can be your tool, why not use something as beautiful and ordered as crystals? Especially with the scientific backing behind the electric qualities, it does make sense that they were chosen. I think that we are made from energy and electricity that presents itself in varying patterns, and that our minds and bodies are connected (I'll probably be posting more about this at some point in the future as well, but if you're interested in the meantime, google "Plato's Healthy Mind, Healthy Body" theory and read about it) and when our spirit becomes disoriented or unbalanced it can affect us in physical ways. When the patterns of our spiritual, energy become disrupted it's important to try and restore order and I think anything that has inherent harmony (weather it be a physical structure, like crystals, or an activity that brings harmony to one's life like yoga or meditation) can help. I think anything can work to heal our spirit as long as we are open to it and receptive. However I do not believe that crystals on their own can open your mind, make you become enlightened, or make you into a better person. I think they can resonate with the energy of your being and can potentially, if you are receptive and ONLY if you are receptive, can help you see better what is going on inside yourself and to help you in personal growth. While I don't believe that crystals are magical in any way, I think they can strengthen you and help you to grow.
How are you supposed to choose a crystal?
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Amazonite |
be receptive, and allow yourself to be drawn to a crystal that you are drawn to. They do warn against buying crystals purely to by them because they may end up lacking meaning and if you are unable to 'program' or 'charge' them, it is more like starting a rock collection than using them to assist with personal and spiritual development. While there is nothing wrong with that, this article is mainly focused on the use of crystals as healing and spiritual tools. Instead, it is suggested that you look at the crystals available to you, either online, in a metaphysical bookstore or crystal store, or another shop that may sell these kinds of things, quiet your mind and allow a crystal to capture your attention. Others suggest that you will be able to sense what crystal will be most beneficial to your life. If you hold the crystal it may pulse energy that some people are sensitive enough to be able to feel even if you can't quite put a name to the specific sensation. Basically, though, it is not as important to know the exact name or healing properties of a crystal before you buy it, and it's more important to be able to listen to your energy and choose what is resonating with you or capturing your attention. However if you're really at a loss of what to buy to start out, you could always consider beginning with a clear quartz crystal, which is one of the most sacred crystals and is believed to be one of the most powerful, known as a 'master crystal' or amethyst which is not only beautiful but also aids in reaching higher levels of spirituality. Amethyst is believed to hold the violet flame which can be used to transmute negativity. I, personally, feel like one of those would be great for getting started.
So different crystals have different healing properties?
Yes! Each crystal vibrates at a very specific frequency because they all have specific colors, shapes and densities which create different signature energies. Crystals that are the colors of the rainbow, red through violet, are each associated with one of the chakras, and specific crystals are believed to have specific benefits. If you click here, I have included a link to a website that has an alphabetical list of crystals and their meanings and properties that includes photographs of the crystals to help with identification. Below I have also included a photograph of a few crystals and their meanings that I found online, because I felt that it would probably be more interesting to look at than if I typed out a list.

How scientists believe crystal healing works

My personal experience with crystals
The earliest experience I can remember with a real crystal is from when I was about six years old. I remember going with my parents to Laurel Caverns, which is a cave that you can visit and take a tour through in Pennsylvania, the state where I was born. At the end of the tour there is a little gift shop and I was allowed to pick out a souvenir. Being such a young child you would think I would've wanted a toy of some sort but instead I remember that I just had to have this tiny bag of little pieces of tiger's eye, which is used for protection and grounding and can also enhance willpower, confidence and practicality. I remember being really, really excited about the little stones and fascinated with how pretty, though small, they were. It's actually quite amazing that I was able to actually keep not only one, but two of those tiny pieces for about 14 years, through moving several times, and actually came across it the other day which sparked the inspiration for this post! At the time, I had no idea what crystal healing even was, nor did I think my little stones would ever hold any significance, however I remember being in a way, drawn to them in the fact that I picked them out, out of ANY other item. I didn't have any more experiences with crystals, really, until my 20th birthday which was a night full of experience and the acquisition of knowledge. My friend Mychel had wrapped a piece of rhodochrosite, which the Incas believed was the blood of their former kings and queens turned into stone. Rhodochrosite is a self confidence booster and is often used to aid one in coping with problems in life in a graceful manner. It also enhances love and helps to balance emotions and calm excessive passions. At the time it was given to me, I didn't know much about crystals at all and didn't know anything about the effect of it however I thought the necklace was neat and pretty and would often times wear it to my job where I work as a server, and I actually did notice that I found myself touching and holding the crystal a lot when I wore it, and that I actually did feel a bit more confident when talking to my tables, as well as a bit less agitated when they would be rude to me. Maybe it's just the comfort of having a piece of jewelry on that was made for me by a close friend, the comfort of having an object to fidget with when I became uncomfortable, or maybe it really is the crystal! Along with the pendant necklace, Mychel also gave me a tiny vial of little bity pieces of peridoot, a crystal typically associated with increase and abundance known for boosting confidence and assertiveness. Peridoot also is good for prosperity and happiness, and has a friendly energy that is supposed to enhance harmony. Honestly, I haven't felt much affect from this stone, however I do think it may be because the pieces in the tiny jar are so small that the area their frequency resonates out to is so small. The vibrations could also potentially be obstructed from the glass they're in, but I do intend to spend a bit more time closer to the crystal pieces, at at time when it feels natural and see what happens. I also have a piece of rose quartz, a crystal believed to be the 'love stone'. Rose quartz opens the heart chakra and is a stone of unconditional love- of the self, of family, friends, and romantic love. It is believed to bring love in any situation and lowers stress and soothes those around it. My very first experience with rose quartz was when my friend Mychel handed me a piece while I was sitting on the floor and immediately, my thoughts went straight to someone whom I had formed a very close spiritual bond with in the past, and I felt very happy inside. I remember me smiling and her asking me why I was smiling, but not quite being able to place my finger on a reason until I reflected on the moment later. My second experience with it was while I was getting tattooed. This particular session was especially painful, as it was in a sensitive area of my thigh. Mychel had come with me to get it done and offered to let me hold a crystal, pulling the rose quartz out of her bag and handing it to me, and I do remember it being vaguely soothing. This was before any of it's meaning or believed powers were explained to me at all. After learning more about the believed 'powers' behind rose quartz, I have tried to incorporate it in new ways. I struggle with confidence in my body and my appearance and with loving myself, so I have tried to keep the rose quartz in my bedroom near the mirror, so I can see it each morning while I'm getting dressed for the day and try to use it, if nothing else, as a reminder to have love for myself. And finally, I have a piece of amethyst, which, as I stated earlier, is a stone that helps to increase spirituality and aid in opening the third eye. I honestly don't even remember acquiring this crystal, nor do I have any idea where it came from or how it got in my possession, and I can't really recall my first experience with it either. My piece is rather small, however I have just recently began using the amethyst, in the way that I've been placing the piece on my yoga mat while I'm practicing and I have noticed that I'm able to clear my mind more quickly and easily. Again, this may be a placebo effect, or may be just from practicing yoga more often, that these habits become easier. I've also noticed that since putting the amethyst in the bedroom, I have remembered more of my dreams upon waking which, after moving out, is something I hadn't been doing much of. I have also been doing meditating lately and when meditating with the amethyst
Although I am personally not 100% sold on the healing powers of crystals, I am completely open to the power of objects to be used to help balance energy and am so excited to continue to learn more about them and hopefully to acquire more! I've never been one to put something down before I've tried or experienced it for myself. I've yet to feel anything truly magical or otherworldly from a crystal, however the more I learn I'm beginning to feel that, that may not be what crystal healing is all about but rather that it is about using them as a catalyst for change and growth.
I hope this has been helpful and interesting for you to read as it was for me to write!
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