

Friday, December 2, 2016

A Brief Disucssion Of Sacred Geometry

What even is sacred geometry?

I guess I should probably start this off by explaining what sacred geometry is as a whole, for those of you that don't know. Geometry, as I'm sure many of us remember, was that annoying math class we were forced to take back in high school, with the triangles and our old pals Tan and Sin. The word "geometry" itself comes from the Greek words Geos and Metron meaning 'earth' and 'measurements', respectively. So, anyone can draw a geometric shape or pattern, but what about it makes it 'sacred'? It's the relation of spirit, consciousness or any type of divinity to the shapes. Sacred geometry uses models to help understand both the spiritual and physical world around us. The term 'sacred geometry' itself is used to encompass religious, spiritual and philosophical beliefs that have sprung up around geometry throughout almost all cultures in human history. There are several videos out there that explain the concept of Sacred Geometry, and if you're interested you could view this one, which is a little shorter. 

What are the beliefs centered around sacred geometry?

Many believe that sacred geometry is the blueprint of creation and the way the energy of creation organizes itself. The basic belief is that these geometric and mathematical ratios are also found in sound and light waves, as well as cosmology, and other places. One specific shape, known as the Egg of Life has spheres who's distances are identical to the distance between tones and half tones in music, and also to the third stage of embryonic division. Many people believe that understanding these shapes can be a tool for understanding the ways in which the universe works and can be used for meditation and spiritual exploration. Some go even further to believe that interactions with sacred geometry can help people interact with the Divine in a tangible way. Sacred geometry is often associated with the belief that God (whoever you may believe that is) is the geometer of the universe. Sacred geometry is complex in nature and views even the most basic patterns of nature and existence and the shapes reveal each form's vibrational patterns. 

What are some of the shapes and their meanings?

Starting with the most simple and also the most perfect form or shape, would be the sphere and the circle. The sphere typically is representative of unity and integrity. There is no point from which someone could view the sphere which would be of lesser or greater significance and all areas of the surface are equally accessible from the center. It is a shape without flaw and is also the same shape of many cells, atoms, planets and solar systems that echo the spherical paradigm of total inclusion and simultaneous potential. This simple shape illustrates how sacred geometry can be found all around you in your everyday life, if you have the eye to catch it. 

Image result for seed of life
The Seed of Life
Image result for flower of life
Flower of Life
A more complex shape is the Fruit of Life, which is a continuation of Flower of Life, which is an extension of the Seed of Life. The Fruit of Life is known to be a blueprint of the universe and is said to contain every molecular structure in existence, therefore all existing things can be built from the Fruit. To understand any of that though, one must first examine the smallest portion. The Seed of Life consists of seven overlapping circles which some say is representative of the seven days of creation, and those who believe this also believe that the creator's consciousness exists within the single Sphere that is contained within the Seed. Others believe that the seven circles mirror the chakras and that the seed has potential to understand the nature of life. It contains only one sphere. You can watch this quick YouTube video for a better visual representation of The Seed of Life. Seeds are vessels of nature and hold blueprints for flowering life. Seeds can lay dormant until the natural conditions around them are prime for them to take root and send forth new life, which some believe is a wonderful metaphor for consciousness. 

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Fruit of Life
The Seed of Life can be seen in religions across the world and is apparent in many religious sites such as Synagogues, prayer books, and even in the Osirian temple in Egypt. The Flower of Life is a larger version of the Seed, consisting of 19 complete circles and 36 partial circles, enclosed by a larger circle. Many alchemists have studied The Flower, as well as mathematicians and artists, including Da Vinci. Some believe that the flower depicts the fundamental forms of space and time, or it to be a visual representation of the connections that run through all beings. The Fruit of Life is the largest version, composed of 13 circles taken from the Flower of Life. It is said to have the Geometric basis of Metatron's Cube. 

Image result for metatron's cubeWhich brings us to the final shape of our discussion for the day, Metatron's Cube. The word 'Metatron' comes from the Greek roots Meta which means 'beyond' and Tron which means 'matrix'. Metatron is an angel in Judaism, some branches of the Christian religion and in versions of Islamic witchcraft. Metatron's Cube oversees the flow of energy through all of the existing platonic solids (known as such because Plato linked them to the spirit world and also to physical elements on Earth). The Cube contains every shape ever created, and therefore contains the building blocks to all physical matter. The Cube is also in perfect balance, with the spheres representing "femininity" and the straight lines representing "masculinity", further weaving together the 'oneness' of the infinite potential that flows through the universe. 

In closing,

These are obviously all very brief and rudimentary explanations. There are people who have dedicated their lives to studying the sacred geometry that lies around us, and are still finding out more and more. I do not claim to know everything, this is just some of what I know from doing a bit of research on my own, and I wanted to share it with you guys because the shapes are popping up more and more as certain trends are rising, and I thought it might inspire some of you to want to know more. 

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